Title: Identification and characterization of GW bursts with the BayesWave algorithm for expanded GW detector networks
Abstract: The global gravitational-wave detector network currently consists of four interferometers: LIGO Hanford (H) and Livingston (L), Virgo (V) and KAGRA (K); the commissioning of LIGO India is also well underway. As the detector network continues to expand, it is crucial to understand the performance of existing gravitational-wave detection algorithms with various detector configurations. Our studies focus on comparing the performance of BayesWave, a source-agnostic (unmodelled) gravitational-wave burst characterization algorithm, between detector configurations of different sizes. In this talk, I will be presenting two aspects of BayesWave performance: (i) comparing the overall detection efficiency between HL and HLV in the third observing run, and (ii) comparing the ability of HL, HLV and HLKV to recover gravitational-wave burst polarizations via Stokes parameters.