Title: JWST's Little Red Dots: Masters of Disguise in the High-Redshift Universe This talk will explore the exciting journey to probe several populations of black holes, spanning from the distant … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Fabio Pacucci – Harvard cfa"
Title: Gravitational waves: from black holes to the cosmos Gravitational waves reveal the universe through an entirely unique spectrum, complementary to electromagnetic and neutrino observations. Although the field is young, it has already revolutionized our understanding of black holes and neutron stars, with implications for gravity, stellar and galactic astrophysics, nuclear physics and cosmology. In … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Maximiliano Isi – Flatiron Inst. NYC"
Title: Galaxy Evolution and the Cosmic Baryon Cycle in 3D Abstract Galaxies are intricately linked to the gas in and around them, making the characterization of gas flows essential for … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Yuguang Chen UC-Davis"
Title: The anti-aligned spin of GW191109: Glitch Mitigation and its Implications Abstract: One of the most interesting events in the third LVK observing run was GW191109, which was found to … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Rhiannon Udall, Caltech"