Title: Stellar Physics: from Plasma Dynamics to Stellar Evolution Abstract: New data available from recent space-missions Kepler and GAIA, as well as up-coming missions TESS and PLATO, has introduced a … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Dr Jane Pratt"
Title: Dynamical Assembly of Black Hole Binaries in Dense Star Systems Abstract: The discovery of merging black hole (BH) binaries by the LIGO and Virgo experiments has initiated the era … Continue reading "CRA Seminar (Dr. Nicholas Stone, Columbia University)"
Title: Physics of comets after the Rosetta mission Abstract: Most comet questions revolve around whether observed properties are primordial and representative of conditions during the era of planet formation, or … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Dr. Dennis Bodewits (Auburn University)"
Title: CHIME - the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Keith Vanderlinde (University of Toronto) URL: http://dunlap.utoronto.ca/~vanderlinde/ ABSTRACT: Among the great surprises of modern cosmology was the discovery of Dark Energy, … Continue reading "CRA Seminar (Dr. Keith Vanderlinde, University of Toronto)"