Title: CHIME - the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment Keith Vanderlinde (University of Toronto) URL: http://dunlap.utoronto.ca/~vanderlinde/ ABSTRACT: Among the great surprises of modern cosmology was the discovery of Dark Energy, … Continue reading "CRA Seminar (Dr. Keith Vanderlinde, University of Toronto)"
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The Degree of Fine-Tuning in our Universe -- and Possibly Others Fred C. Adams, University of Michigan https://lsa.umich.edu/astro/people/jointly-appointed-faculty/fca.html The fundamental constants of nature must fall within a range of values in order for the universe to develop structure and ultimately support life. This talk considers the current constraints on these quantities and assesses the degree … Continue reading "CRA Seminar (Prof. Fred Adams, University of Michigan)"
Could there be an undetected inner planet near the stability limit in Kepler-1647? Abstract: Kepler-1647b is the most recently discovered planet that transits two stars, e.g., a circumbinary planet (CBP). Due to its large orbital separation, Kepler-1647b stands out from the rest of the Kepler CBPs, which mostly reside on much tighter orbits near … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Ziqian Hong"
3D Radiation Magneto-hydrodynamic Simulations of Accretion Disks around Supermassive Black Holes Abstract: Black hole accretion disks convert the gravitational energy of accreted gas to photons and produce varies observational phenomena … Continue reading "CRA seminar: Dr. Yan-Fei Jiang (University of California Santa Barbara)"
Title/Abstract: TBA
Title: Gravitational Waves: Using Merger to Understand Ringdown Abstract: With the advent of gravitational wave astronomy, we have newly found access to a wealth of knowledge in the form of gravitational waves. Scientists are working hard to extract as much information as possible from each of the ten binary black hole coalescences (and one … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Deborah Ferguson"