CRA Cosmic Coffee: Ziqian Hong

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Could there be an undetected inner planet near the stability limit in Kepler-1647?   Abstract: Kepler-1647b  is  the  most  recently  discovered  planet  that  transits  two  stars,  e.g.,  a  circumbinary planet … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Ziqian Hong"

CRA Seminar: Dr. Stefano Marchesi (Clemson University)

Title: A multi-observatory X-ray approach to characterize heavily obscured AGNs According to the different models of Cosmic X-ray Background (CXB), the diffuse X-ray emission observed in the 1 to ~200-300 keV band, is mainly caused by accreting supermassive black holes, the so-called active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Particularly, at the peak of the CXB (~30 keV) … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Dr. Stefano Marchesi (Clemson University)"

CRA Seminar: Mahdi Bagheri (University of New Hampshire)

Monte Carlo Simulation and Balloon-Borne Observation of Energetic Radiations and Electromagnetic Fields from Thunderstorms and Lightning   Mahdi Bagheri Space Science Center and Physics Department, University of New Hampshire   Abstract: Lightning is one of the most energetic geophysical phenomena, producing the brightest light and loudest sound commonly occurring on Earth. Because of its high … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Mahdi Bagheri (University of New Hampshire)"

CRA Cosmic Coffee: Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: The Evolving X-ray Spectrum of Active Galactic Nuclei Abstract: The cosmic X-ray background (XRB) spectrum and active galaxy number counts encode essential information about the spectral evolution of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and have been successfully modeled by XRB synthesis models for many years. Recent measurements of the 8–24 keV AGN number counts by … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Mathilda Avirett-Mackenzie"