CRA seminar (Dr. Delia Tosi)

Boggs 1-90 VizLab

Title: Down-going neutrinos and a next-generation surface array for IceCube Abstract: IceCube has recently discovered an astrophysical neutrino flux up to energies of a few PeV. The sources of the flux are not yet identified, but real-time alerts are now in place to look for coincidences with other messengers. Adding a surface array around the … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Dr. Delia Tosi)"

CRA seminar (Dr. Gen Chiaki)

Boggs 1-90 VizLab

Title : Chemo-thermal evolution of metal-poor star-forming gas clouds Abstract: The gravitational collapse of metal-poor gas clouds and star formation are investigated. Recently, the long-lived and metal-poor stars have been observed in the Galactic halo. Yet, the origin of these stars is still unknown. We perform three-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations to see the critical condition for … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Dr. Gen Chiaki)"

Public Lecture — Prof. Tom Abel: How Things in the Universe Came About & How They Ended Up Within Us?

Professor Tom Abel will take the audience on a journey through the early stages of the universe, using the latest computer animations of how the first stars formed and died and how stars built up the first galaxies. His work has shown that the first luminous objects in the universe were massive stars, shining one … Continue reading "Public Lecture — Prof. Tom Abel: How Things in the Universe Came About & How They Ended Up Within Us?"

CRA seminar (Prof. Jong-Hak Woo)

Title: Ionized gas outflows - delayed or no AGN feedback? Abstract: AGN-driven gas outflows are considered as a channel of AGN feedback to star formation activity over galaxy scales. I will present 1) the statistical kinematic study of gas outflows in AGNs and star forming galaxies, 2) the constrains based on the biconnical outflow models, … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Prof. Jong-Hak Woo)"