Dawn Workshop

Scheller College of Business 800 W. Peachtree St NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

With the 11 February 2016 announcement by LIGO of the detection of GW150914, the era of gravitational wave astronomy has now passed a historical threshold. LIGO's first gravitational wave event opens new avenues for astrophysical exploration and data analysis enhancements informed by direct detection. It should be recalled that the detectors that brought LIGO to … Continue reading "Dawn Workshop"

Greg Richards

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

CRA seminar (Dr. Yuan Li)

Boggs 1-90 VizLab

Dr. Yuan Li (University of Michigan) Title : Thermal Instabilities, Star Formation and AGN Feedback in Cool-Core Galaxy Clusters Abstract : The feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGNs) is widely considered to be the major heating source in cool-core galaxy clusters, preventing a classical cooling flow where the intra-cluster medium (ICM) cools at hundreds to … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Dr. Yuan Li)"

Dirk Lennarz

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

KwangHo Park

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Bryan Pflueger

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States