CRA Seminar by Prof. Katherine Rawlins (U. Alaska)

web: Title: "Cosmic Rays: are they light or heavy?" Abstract: With energies greater than a PeV, cosmic rays from galactic (and extra-galactic) sources are too rare to detect directly.  Instead, large ground-based detector arrays catch the secondary particles from the extensive air showers that cosmic rays produce in the atmosphere, and attempt to determine … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Katherine Rawlins (U. Alaska)"

School of Physics Colloquium: Aomawa L. Shields

The discovery of numerous small exoplanets has brought the search for life beyond the Solar System into sharp focus on many potentially habitable worlds where life may exist. However, many factors and processes can affect planetary climate and habitability, most of which are currently unconstrained by observations, and their effects must be understood to accurately … Continue reading "School of Physics Colloquium: Aomawa L. Shields"