CRA Cosmic Coffee: Billy Quarles

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Obliquity Evolution of Earthlike planets in α Centauri AB Abstract: Changes in planetary obliquity, or axial tilt, influence the climatic conditions on a potentially habitable planet, where orbital perturbations from a binary star companion can drive these changes to extremes. We study the evolution of planetary obliquity for an Earthlike planet in the habitable … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Billy Quarles"

CRA Seminar by Aycin Aykutalp (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Title: Long- and Short-Distance Relationships with Massive Black Holes Abstract : In the last decade, growth of supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies and their role in shaping the evolution of galaxies and their star formation histories has become a central topic in cosmology. However, the underlying physics of how a black hole … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Aycin Aykutalp (Los Alamos National Laboratory)"

CRA Seminar by Dr. Ali Kheirandish (University of Wisconsin)

Web: Title: Cosmic Neutrinos and the Unique Insights They Provide into the High-Energy Universe Abstract: The era of high-energy astrophysics with cosmic neutrinos began with the discovery of high-energy neutrinos with extraterrestrial origin in IceCube. The observation of high-energy cosmic neutrino flux revealed the prominent and larger than expected role of hadronic interactions in … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Dr. Ali Kheirandish (University of Wisconsin)"

CRA Seminar by Dr. Pedro Capelo (University of Zurich)

Web: Title: Dual active galactic nuclei and the pairing of supermassive black holes in the LISA era Abstract: Pairs of accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs), known as dual active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the generation of gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral and coalescence of SMBHs are two faces of the same coin. The … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Dr. Pedro Capelo (University of Zurich)"

CRA Seminar by Prof. Nepomuk Otte (Georgia Tech)

Trinity: An air shower imaging instrument to detect ultrahigh-energy neutrinos The detection of neutrinos with IceCube has cracked open a new window in astrophysics at the TeV-PeV energy scale. The revelation of a relatively hard neutrino spectrum and the unknown origin of the flux are two motivations to extend neutrino measurements to even higher energies, … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Nepomuk Otte (Georgia Tech)"