Public Lecture: Dr Katherine (Katie) Mack (North Carolina State University)
Title: Change and Observables in Hamiltonian General Relativity Abstract: Canonical (Hamiltonian) General Relativity and the associated project in quantum gravity are said to suffer from a problem of missing change, especially in "observables": part of the "problem of time." This talk addresses this problem by reflecting on definitions of observables. Typically observables in Hamiltonian … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Dr. J. Brian Pitts (University of Cambridge)"
## Scalable Space-time adaptivity for Simulations of Binary Black Hole Intermediate-Mass-Ratio-Inspirals We present a highly scalable framework that targets problems of interest to the numerical relativity and broader astrophysics communities. This framework combines a parallel octree-refined adaptive mesh with a wavelet adaptive multiresolution and a physics module to solve the Einstein equations of general relativity. … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Hari Sundar)"
Title: Wind noise mitigation in LIGO India structure. Abstract: We will discuss the observations that necessitate a detail study of wind noise effects on the LIGO-India structure and different ways we plan to mitigate such a noise.
Title/Abstract: 1. 10,000 solar mass black hole in NGC 4395 - primordial or no AGN feedback? I will present the reverberation-mapping study of the lowest-luminosity Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4395, based on the monitoring campaign in 2017 and 2018. The time delay of the Hα emission is measured as 83±14 min.. Combining with the Hα … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Prof. Jong-Hak Woo)"
Title: Circumgalactic Media of Low-mass, Star-forming EAGLE Galaxies Abstract: Advances in observational techniques have made it possible to analyze the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in previously inaccessible detail. Often defined as … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Brian Cook (Leiden University)"
Title: Obliquity Evolution of Earthlike planets in α Centauri AB Abstract: Changes in planetary obliquity, or axial tilt, influence the climatic conditions on a potentially habitable planet, where orbital perturbations from a binary star companion can drive these changes to extremes. We study the evolution of planetary obliquity for an Earthlike planet in the habitable … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Billy Quarles"
Web: Title: RIFT'ing the Waves: An algorithm to perform Rapid parameter inference on gavitational wave sources via Iterative FiTing Abstract: As the gravitational wave (GW) observatories get more sensitive, … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Jacob Lange (RIT)"
Web: "" Title: On the gravitational wave multipole moments of systems with angular momentum Abstract: Since Einstein's quadrupole formalism, multipolar analysis has played a central role in gravitational wave theory. … Continue reading "CRA seminar by Dr. Lionel London (MIT)"