CRA seminar (Hari Sundar)

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

## Scalable Space-time adaptivity for Simulations of Binary Black Hole Intermediate-Mass-Ratio-Inspirals We present a highly scalable framework that targets problems of interest to the numerical relativity and broader astrophysics communities. … Continue reading "CRA seminar (Hari Sundar)"

CRA Cosmic Coffee: Brian Cook (Leiden University)

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Circumgalactic Media of Low-mass, Star-forming EAGLE Galaxies Abstract: Advances in observational techniques have made it possible to analyze the circumgalactic medium (CGM) in previously inaccessible detail. Often defined as the elusive region outside of the disk but within the virial radius of galaxies, the CGM is thought to have a critical role in processes … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Brian Cook (Leiden University)"

CRA Cosmic Coffee: Billy Quarles

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Obliquity Evolution of Earthlike planets in α Centauri AB Abstract: Changes in planetary obliquity, or axial tilt, influence the climatic conditions on a potentially habitable planet, where orbital perturbations from a binary star companion can drive these changes to extremes. We study the evolution of planetary obliquity for an Earthlike planet in the habitable … Continue reading "CRA Cosmic Coffee: Billy Quarles"