CRA Seminar by Prof. Marianne Vestergaard (Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen)

Web: Title: Determining black hole masses of active galactic nuclei across cosmic time Abstract: Observations show that supermassive black holes can affect their environment through outflows and other feedback processes. In order to establish the exact role that supermassive black holes play for galaxy evolution, we need to determine accurately the mass of the … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Marianne Vestergaard (Niels Bohr Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen)"

CRA Seminar by Dr. Ali Kheirandish (University of Wisconsin)

Web: Title: Cosmic Neutrinos and the Unique Insights They Provide into the High-Energy Universe Abstract: The era of high-energy astrophysics with cosmic neutrinos began with the discovery of high-energy neutrinos with extraterrestrial origin in IceCube. The observation of high-energy cosmic neutrino flux revealed the prominent and larger than expected role of hadronic interactions in … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Dr. Ali Kheirandish (University of Wisconsin)"

CRA Seminar by Dr. Pedro Capelo (University of Zurich)

Web: Title: Dual active galactic nuclei and the pairing of supermassive black holes in the LISA era Abstract: Pairs of accreting supermassive black holes (SMBHs), known as dual active galactic nuclei (AGN), and the generation of gravitational waves (GWs) from the inspiral and coalescence of SMBHs are two faces of the same coin. The … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Dr. Pedro Capelo (University of Zurich)"

CRA Seminar by Prof. Nepomuk Otte (Georgia Tech)

Trinity: An air shower imaging instrument to detect ultrahigh-energy neutrinos The detection of neutrinos with IceCube has cracked open a new window in astrophysics at the TeV-PeV energy scale. The revelation of a relatively hard neutrino spectrum and the unknown origin of the flux are two motivations to extend neutrino measurements to even higher energies, … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Nepomuk Otte (Georgia Tech)"

CRA Seminar by Prof. Preethi Nair (University of Alabama)

Web: Title: Constraining the Demographics of Accreting Supermassive Black Holes and their Role in Galaxy Quenching in the nearby Universe Understanding the mechanisms which trigger an Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN or accreting supermassive black hole) and the role of these AGN in galaxy evolution, specifically in regulating or quenching star formation in galaxies, is … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Preethi Nair (University of Alabama)"

CRA Seminar by Prof. Katherine Rawlins (U. Alaska)

web: Title: "Cosmic Rays: are they light or heavy?" Abstract: With energies greater than a PeV, cosmic rays from galactic (and extra-galactic) sources are too rare to detect directly.  Instead, large ground-based detector arrays catch the secondary particles from the extensive air showers that cosmic rays produce in the atmosphere, and attempt to determine … Continue reading "CRA Seminar by Prof. Katherine Rawlins (U. Alaska)"

School of Physics Colloquium: Aomawa L. Shields

The discovery of numerous small exoplanets has brought the search for life beyond the Solar System into sharp focus on many potentially habitable worlds where life may exist. However, many factors and processes can affect planetary climate and habitability, most of which are currently unconstrained by observations, and their effects must be understood to accurately … Continue reading "School of Physics Colloquium: Aomawa L. Shields"