Graduate Student Awards

CRA Student Travel Award

The Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) invites graduate students to submit proposals to assist with upcoming professional travel to conferences and workshops. Support will be provided up to $1,000 for domestic travel and $2,000 for international travel. The award will be dispersed as a reimbursement to the student after their return to campus and submitting their expense report to the Finance Office.

To be eligible for the award, the student must

  • Have an accepted abstract for either a talk or poster at the conference or workshop.
  • Submit a 1-page justification for the travel, endorsed by their advisor. The student’s name and their advisor’s name must be included in the document.
  • Submit a travel budget including all estimated costs.
  • Submit information on other sources of funding that have been obtained or are being sought, including available funds from the student’s advisor.
  • Be in good academic standing as a PhD student and be a good citizen of the CRA, i.e., involved in its community and events.
  • Have a primary PhD advisor who is faculty of any status (tenured/tenure-track, research, academic, adjunct, or emeritus) in the CRA.

The proposal should be sent as a single PDF by email to the Director of the CRA. The Director (John Wise) of the CRA will consider proposals quarterly (deadlines of January 31, April 30, July 31, October 31). Students are limited to one submission per academic year.

Within 10 days of returning from the trip, the student must provide the Director with a one-paragraph conference summary, detailing the professional development gained from the trip.

CRA Student Publication Support

The Center for Relativistic Astrophysics (CRA) invites graduate students to submit proposals to assist with publication of journal articles. Support will be provided up to $2,000 for publication fees in open access journals, such as but not limited to AAS Journals, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Science, Nature, and Physical Review.

To be eligible for the award, the student must

  • Have an accepted journal article in an open access journal.
  • Submit a paragraph justification for the funding request including reasons for not submitting to journals without publication fees such as Open Journal for Astrophysics, endorsed by their advisor. The student’s name and advisor’s name must be included in the document.
  • Submit the article title, abstract, and arXiv link (if applicable).
  • Submit information on other sources of funding that have been obtained or are being sought, including available funds from the student’s advisor.
  • Be in good academic standing as a PhD student and be a good citizen of the CRA, i.e., involved in its community and events.
  • Have a primary PhD advisor who is faculty of any status (tenured/tenure-track, research, academic, adjunct, or emeritus) in the CRA.

The proposal should be sent as a single PDF by email to the Director of the CRA. The Director (John Wise) of the CRA will consider proposals on a rolling basis. Students are limited to one submission per academic year. There will be a total of three awards per academic year.