Graduate Students

Graduate Students working with CRA faculty are enrolled in a MS or Ph.D. program in the School of Physics. Prospective students are encouraged to contact CRA faculty to discuss possible research projects. Application information for graduate study at the CRA is found at the School of Physics. Current CRA graduate students are eligible for various CRA awards supporting their scholarship.

Graduate Courses in Astrophysics

PHYS 6262 – Data Science for Physicists
Introduction to probability theory, classical statistics and machine learning, and their application to physics.

PHYS 7125 – Introduction to Relativity
The theory of gravity, describing how matter curves spacetime and spacetime guides matter, with its experimental and theoretical applications.

PHYS 7127 – Cosmology and Galaxies
Overview of the relevant physics that govern cosmological processes, and galaxy formation and evolution. Topics include inflation, gravitational collapse, large-scale clustering, and galaxy mergers.

PHYS 7129 – High-Energy Astrophysics
Introduction to high-energy astrophysical processes and environments, including basic radiation mechanisms (e.g., bremsstrahlung and Comptonization), accretion onto compact objects, and clusters of galaxies.

PHYS 4263/8833 – Nuclei, Particles, and Fields
An introduction to nuclear and subnuclear systems. Topics include nuclear models, radioactive decay, nuclear reactions, quarks, accelerators, reactors, and stellar nucleosynthesis.

PHYS 8803 – Radiative Processes
This class will cover the fundamental physical processes that produce and modify radiation from astrophysical sources. The emphasis will be on understanding the basic physical ideas and applying them to examples from across astrophysics.