Title: Going wider and deeper in the search for gravitational waves Abstract: Gravitational waves (GWs) are oscillations of spacetime itself due to strong dynamical gravity. Since its first detection by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2015, a network of the ground-based GW detectors detected 90 signals from compact binary mergers by 2020. In … Continue reading "Leo Tsukada -Penn State Un"
Title: Unveiling the TeV Sky in Neutrinos and Gamma rays Abstract: The search for the origin of cosmic rays as well as the signatures of new physics, are closely tied … Continue reading "Mehr Un Nisa (MSU)"
Title: Insights from Local Simulations of Accretion Disk Coronae: Two-temperature effects, thermal conduction, and radiation transport Abstract: I will present a series of local accretion disk models, i.e., stratified shearing-box … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Chris Bambic Princeton UN"
Title: Challenging the standard accretion disk paradigm with warps, strong magnetic fields and super-Eddington accretion in quasar disks Abstract: "Classical" accretion disks are geometrically thin, radiatively efficient and mechanized by … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Nick Kaaz – Northwestern UN"
Title: Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Signals Associated With the Tidal Disruption of White Dwarfs Abstract: I will discuss the gravitational-wave and electromagnetic signals expected to accompany the tidal disruption of … Continue reading "Special CRA Seminar Michael Eracleous – Penn State 11am-12 noon"