CRA Seminar – Adi Foord, U. of Maryland Baltimore County [Host Tamara Bogdanovic]

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

Title: The Growth and Evolution of SMBHs via Galaxy Mergers Abstract: After decades of SMBH observations, the connection between AGN triggering and galaxy mergers remains incomplete, although AGN are likely key players in the evolution of massive galaxies. Theoretically, there are many reasons to expect a link between galaxy mergers and the accretion of material … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Adi Foord, U. of Maryland Baltimore County [Host Tamara Bogdanovic]"

CRA Seminar: Ethan Partington, IA-FORTH (Host Laura Cadonati)

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

Title: Probing the inner geometry of AGN accretion flows and searching for SMBHB candidates in large optical sky surveys Abstract: Observations of the AGN Fairall 9 with NICER and Swift revealed a strong relationship between the flux of the UV continuum and the X-ray soft excess, indicating the presence of a “warm” Comptonized region which … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Ethan Partington, IA-FORTH (Host Laura Cadonati)"

Special CRA Seminar – Jonathan C. Tan [Host John Wise]

Title: The Origin of Supermassive Black Holes from Pop III.1 Seeds Abstract: The origin of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) is a key open question for contemporary astrophysics and cosmology. Here we discuss the predictions of a model of SMBH formation from Pop III.1 protostars, i.e., metal-free stars forming in locally isolated dark matter minihalos, where dark … Continue reading "Special CRA Seminar – Jonathan C. Tan [Host John Wise]"

CRA Seminar – Lizhong Zhang, Flatiron Institute (Host Julia Speicher)

Title: Understanding the dynamics of accretion onto black holes in radiation GRMHD simulations Abstract: Radiation and magnetic fields play crucial roles in shaping the physics of black hole accretion, especially in near- and super-Eddington regimes. To model this process, we solve the GRMHD equations coupled with angle-dependent radiation transfer, which enables us to capture the complex dynamics driven … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Lizhong Zhang, Flatiron Institute (Host Julia Speicher)"