Title: Dust Scattering Halo of black hole binary 4U 1630-47 Observed with Chandra and APEX: Using mm and X-ray Imaging to Constrain Source and Molecular Cloud Distances Abstract: Dust scattering … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Emrah Kalemci [Host Matthew Liska]"
Title: Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts in the NICER Era Abstract: Thermonuclear X-ray bursts are sudden flashes observed from some low-mass X-ray binaries. Time-resolved spectral analysis and long-term observations have revealed that they … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Tolga Guver [Host Matthew Liska]"
Title: The Growth and Evolution of SMBHs via Galaxy Mergers Abstract: After decades of SMBH observations, the connection between AGN triggering and galaxy mergers remains incomplete, although AGN are likely … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Adi Foord, U. of Maryland Baltimore County [Host Tamara Bogdanovic]"
Title: Probing the inner geometry of AGN accretion flows and searching for SMBHB candidates in large optical sky surveys Abstract: Observations of the AGN Fairall 9 with NICER and Swift revealed a strong relationship between the flux of the UV continuum and the X-ray soft excess, indicating the presence of a “warm” Comptonized region which … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Ethan Partington, IA-FORTH (Host Laura Cadonati)"