CRA Seminar – Emrah Kalemci [Host Matthew Liska]

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

Title: Dust Scattering Halo of black hole binary 4U 1630-47 Observed with Chandra and APEX: Using mm and X-ray Imaging to Constrain Source and Molecular Cloud Distances Abstract: Dust scattering halos have been utilized to study spectral variations during eclipses, physical properties and distribution of dust grains in the interstellar medium (ISM), X-ray extinction, and … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Emrah Kalemci [Host Matthew Liska]"

CRA Seminar – Tolga Guver [Host Matthew Liska]

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

Title: Thermonuclear X-ray Bursts in the NICER Era Abstract: Thermonuclear X-ray bursts are sudden flashes observed from some low-mass X-ray binaries. Time-resolved spectral analysis and long-term observations have revealed that they occur due to the unstable thermonuclear burning of the accreted matter on the surface of the neutron star. They typically last a few tens of … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Tolga Guver [Host Matthew Liska]"

CRA Seminar – Adi Foord, U. of Maryland Baltimore County [Host Tamara Bogdanovic]

Bogg 1-44 VizLab

Title: The Growth and Evolution of SMBHs via Galaxy Mergers Abstract: After decades of SMBH observations, the connection between AGN triggering and galaxy mergers remains incomplete, although AGN are likely key players in the evolution of massive galaxies. Theoretically, there are many reasons to expect a link between galaxy mergers and the accretion of material … Continue reading "CRA Seminar – Adi Foord, U. of Maryland Baltimore County [Host Tamara Bogdanovic]"