Title: Neutrino astronomy with IceCube Connecting Photoelectrons to Supermassive Black Holes Abstract: The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, deployed beneath the South Pole, is the largest optical neutrino telescope in the World. … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Hans Niederhausen"
Title: High accuracy waveform models for high precision gravitational wave astronomy Abstract: Characterization of gravitational wave (GW) signals from the merger of binary black holes (BBHs) heavily rely on accurate … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Tousif Islam (UMass-Dartmouth)"
Title: Glitches get stitches: The effect non-transient noise in LIGO detectors on astrophysical inference, and what to do about it Abstract: Ground-based gravitational-wave detector networks have detected a deluge of compact-binary events in the years since the original 2015 detection. Far more often than these events (approximately every two minutes), detectors experience transient, non-gaussian noise … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Sophie Hourihane (Caltech)"