Title: Impact of Central Massive Black Hole Accretion on the Event Horizon, Host Galaxy, and Beyond Abstract: Astrophysical black holes are surprisingly simple physical objects. Their gravitational field can be … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Labani Mallick (U Manitoba) Virtual"
Title: Transcending the Limits of Theoretical Physics with Deep Learning Abstract: Astronomy has recently experienced a profound transformation, driven by the acquisition of extensive datasets generated by increasingly sophisticated instruments. This influx of data has opened up numerous new avenues for exploration in the field. However, this boon is accompanied by its own set of … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Yuan-Sen Ting (ANU)"
Title: Identification and characterization of GW bursts with the BayesWave algorithm for expanded GW detector networks Abstract: The global gravitational-wave detector network currently consists of four interferometers: LIGO Hanford (H) and … Continue reading "Special CRA Seminar: Christine Lee (AU)"
TITLE: Gravitational wave and electromagnetic signatures of binary black holes with circumbinary gas ABSTRACT: Binary black holes (BHBs) embedded in dense gas hold the promise of so-called "multi-messenger astrophysics": when … Continue reading "CRA Seminar: Zoltan Haiman (Columbia, on sabbatical at GT)"