Cosmic Coffee

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

CRA -Machine Learning + Astro Seminar : Alec Gunny (MIT)

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Title: Accelerating ML workflows in gravitational wave astronomy Abstract: Commercial applications of machine learning (ML) have grown substantially in recent years, driven in no small part by an explosion in the ecosystem of so-called MLOps tools that have simplified the development and deployment of common ML use cases using domain-specific best practices. As the canon … Continue reading "CRA -Machine Learning + Astro Seminar : Alec Gunny (MIT)"

Cosmic Coffee

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States

Cosmic Coffee

Howey N201/202 837 State Street, Atlanta, GA, United States